Wednesday 3 August 2011

An Introduction

So, like J mentioned, we've had a fair bit of interest from people over at Facespace to start up our own angry pharmacist blog.  On my retail pharmacy working nights, all my friends watch their info-feed with baited breath wondering just what kind of rants are going to pop up from my profile. 

Way too often though, the situations deserve more than the 140 character twitter limit (that my phone imposes) so I have to either flesh my rants out with comments, or tell a bunch of people what the hell just happened by other methods.  Not very efficient.  So here we are.  I figure we've got 5 or 6 good posts in us before we get too busy, or bored, or boring, to continue.  But it's worth a shot.

I'll leave J's intro to J himself, but here's mine.  Graduated pharmacy.  Went into retail practice in a large Canadian city.  Bounced through a few jobs before realizing that it was getting way too hard to get out of bed in the morning and that I needed a change. 

Made the move over to hospital pharmacy practice.  Overall, much better...but after a while, it started to drag too.  So I started picking up shifts here and there for my old chain.  Started out with just one a month, and they went pretty smooth, so I started picking up more. 

Currently I work full-time at the hospital, and 1-2 shifts per week in retail.  People ask why I do it....and the only real answer I can give is : "I work in retail pharmacy to remind me why I don't work in retail pharmacy". gives me things to be mad at, so that I don't really get mad at my real job.  It's like having a hobby you hate...that pays you $45/hr. 

In other news.  I'm a 30-something male, married, with 2 dogs and a wife who's expecting in December.  I like drinking whisky.  And whiskey.  And if you don't know the difference, your father didn't love you.  I like long walks on short piers, and first-date public-washroom anal. 

Sometimes I like to push people's buttons.  Other times I like to just mash their whole keypad with my palm and watch them explode. (I once asked a woman who was screaming at me, when her last BM was, because, as her front-line healthcare professional, I was concerned that she was suffering from constipation-induced psychosis). 

That's probably enough for now.  I'll get into some serious business in the near future.  I work at the drug store tomorrow night.  That should be fun.  For you....


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