Wednesday 3 August 2011

First Blog, and no, I don't recognize your fucking voice

Hi everyone, well, here it is.  Due to much fanfare and many requests on another social networking site (which will remain unnamed ;) ) the blog has been created and will feature the literary stylings of two Canadian pharmacists who met in school, come from Scottish ancestory, drink too much (goes without saying when you are a pharmacist AND Scottish), and are, well, for the same reasons, very angry.  Due to the necessity to keep patient information safe and confidential we will simply go by our first initials, and hence, this first post in this blog is by J, with others to come by R.

The Two Grumpy Pharmacists blog is well, two grumpy pharmacists.  I wanted to call it "Two Balistically Irate Pharmacists" but I figure Grumpy is more PC, although I plan on dropping F and C bombs like no tomorrow, I know R is way better at not swearing than me (ya right).

So anyhow, I might as well start of right, so today's rant: No I don't recognize your fucking voice.

Here's the Scenario, it's 10am, I'm busy (of course, it's 10am) and the phone rings:

J: Thank you for call Grumpy Pharmacy, how can I help you
Caller (on a very shitty cellular connection): Ya, I'm on my way to town, get both of my prescriptions filled... CLICK

J:... Well, I didn't respond, cuz the ass hung up.

So anyhow, I do drop a little extra dough in my pharmacy for call display, it helps now and then, but wouldn't you know it, this one came up unknown name and number.

Now, I don't claim to be the smartest man around, (or the smartest man blogging on this particular blog).  I'm also not that great with voices, especially on patchy cell phone calls.  I don't know about the rest of you, but everytime I call someone and I have something important to tell them I at least do the common courtesy of TELLING THEM MY FUCKING NAME!!!

Anyhow the guy shows up 20 minutes later to pick up his prescriptions and is surprised to find out that they aren't ready!  Big surprise, and when he asks why I tell him I didn't recognize his voice.  And then the cocksucker gets pissy with me!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!  Do you have any idea how many people I talk to in a day on the phone and in person.  Of course you recognize my voice and my name, because when you call me I'm the only pharmacist who works here!  I've got news for you, however, you aren't my only customer.  If you were, I would be fucked and would have to find another vocation.

Anyhow, that's my rant for today, I've got lots of good ones stored up, as does R.  We look forward to entertaining all 5 people who will follow this blog until we forget to stop posting.


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