Thursday 17 November 2011

One of my favorite things!

Quick Post - One of my favorite things just happened today.  I will recount the conversation on the phone.

Customer (on crappy cell phone): Jason, it's John (doesn't tell me his last name, I mean, how many John's could there be). I need my two blood pressure pills filled and my Crestor.  I have the Crestor prescription with me so you get it ready and I will drop it off because I'm in a hurry.

Me:  Who wrote your prescription, what is the strength and how many refills did they give you (and yes, I realized at the time I was asking him to read while he was driving).

Customer: It was Dr. Smith (name changed for HIPA reasons), and it's for Crestor, 90 tablets.

Me: Alright then.

Now then, I used to be a real hardass in the past when people do this.  The general public, contrary to what they seem to believe, are not qualified medical professionals, and I cannot accept verbal orders.  Shit, sometimes I cannot read physician orders.  In any event, I've gotten some what tired and concussed due to repeatedly smashing my head against a wall when people want to do this and then get pissy with me when they drop it off.  In any event, it was a renewal, and John's usual (note I said usual, this is a bit of foreshadowing) physician uses a computer generated prescription system so I figured (ie hoped) that it would be the same.

Soooooo, John comes in and drops of his script (I was able to recognize his voice so I figured out who it was) and low and behold, different doctor, different dose than last time.  Anways, after I woke up from smashing my head against the wall I told him that this is why we do not let customers call in prescriptions, now I will have to correct your prescription and redo it, which is going to take me longer than it would have if you had just dropped it off in the first place and waited.

To which he responded: I'm kind of in a hurry.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wish I could say to customers, how stupid can u be? Why are u on this planet? What purpose do u serve on this earth.
    I get frustrated with them.
    I want set up a dunk tank reserved for stupid customers who need brain transplants

    They say idiotic things like ' can't you read my name it is written on the prescription'

    Duh, I cannot read the damn thing why else would I ask, do u want me to put it under someone else's file????
    Or' why do you need a birthdate, I am on the computer'

    Would someone shoot this bastard customer ???
    I work in a metro area where millions of people have similar names ???hello??? Duh ???

  3. I spent 15 to 20minutes explaining how special authority works...customer still did not get it
