Tuesday 15 November 2011

The New Motto for Pharmacy

So I've been reflecting of late of the direction that we have allowed our profession to take over the past 30 or so years.  Pharmacists have slowly but surely failed to unite, consistenely stabbed each other in the back, and basically whored ourselves out to corporations to the point that we are little more than... um, well the whores of the health care world.  If that language is too strong for you then how about the fast food dealers of health care, everything cheap, fast and with a free toy.

Now we are scrambling.  You see, as we have failed to consistenly stand up for ourselves and each other, worrying too much about stealing business instead of being good pharmacists, we have in effect failed ourselves.  The problem is, the people who pay for our services, namely insurance companies and government figure that since we apparently don't give a shit about our profession, neither should they.  Basically, we are getting what we deserve.

So, following that string of thought, I have come up with a new managment strategy for my pharmacy:

At Grumpy Pharmacy you pick how you get your prescription filled.  You can have your prescription filled in any two of the three ways listed below, however, choosing two autmatically negates the third:

1.  Fast
2.  Cheap
3.  Correct

So, if you want it fast and cheap, it may not be correct.

If you want it fast and correct, it won't be cheap.

And if you want it cheap and correct it won't be fast.

They say giving your customers choice keeps them happy.  I hope this works


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