Monday 17 October 2011

Why is it that...?

Just some quick pharmacist’s questions for this weeks blog:

1.        Why is it that the guy who refuses to pay $5.00 for his meds, because that’s too expensive, can afford $30.00 in lottery tickets?

2.       Why is it that people bitch about having to see their physician for a new prescription regularly, but have no problem making sure they get the oil changed in their car regularly?

3.       Why is it that the only people who whine about reduced pharmacy hours are retired old ladies who have nothing to do but drink coffee all day?  Oh wait, because they need something to complain about when they are having coffee of course, my bad.

4.       Why is it that when  it takes any more than 5 minutes to fill a prescription some people get totally unreasonable, but standing in line at Tim Horton’s for 20 minutes for a fresh Double-Double makes total sense?

5.   Why is it that George Lucas would rather spend money making updates to the original Star Wars Trilogy instead of just making epidsodes VII, VIII and IX?

6.       Why is it that Narkies always open their Oxycontin bottles over the toilet and accidentally dump them all in to said toilet, but this never happens with their Ramipril?

7.       Why is it that these same Narcies always fill their Oxycontin on time, but forget to take their diabetes medications regularly?

8.       Why is it that when some patient’s would rather take advice regarding the proper use of OTC medications from some random person with no medical training instead of their pharmacist?

9.       Why is it that J, The Grumpy Pharmacist, is such an @$$Hole?

10.   Why is it that the single mom who is on social assistance and has 4 kids from 5 different men can afford a nicer car than I can?

11.  Why is it that old people are always in a hurry, but drive ridiculously slow?  Oh wait, that's why they're in a hurry, it's going to take them a long fucking time to get home.

12.  Why is it that I can't get the goddam spacing to work right on this week's blog (thus making it look like, ie: revealing, that I have no idea what the hell I'm doing)

And finally

13.    Why is it that J, The Grumpy Pharmacist, couldn’t come up with anything good to write this week so he whipped this off in 2 minutes and hope you wouldn’t notice?

Have a great week everyone!


1 comment:

  1. 4 kids from 5 different men...that's hilarious!! they are all funny though!
